
KCT offers consulting and management services based on KIT’s vast and long-standing experience in the areas of innovation and technology transfer. Knowledge covers both research and academic education relating to e.g. product development as well as to IP and innovation management.

KCT offers access to the experts of KIT and, on request, renders customized consulting services on technologies, methodologies, and processes of modern business management.

Often, innovation projects, young startups, or already established enterprises need support by experienced consultants, coaches, or managers. KCT relies on a growing network of professionals, who wish to commit themselves in a scientific environment, and offers to identify qualified experts and to establish contacts to them. In individual cases, also employees of KCT will take over responsibility for projects.

The scope of services extends from expert consulting for a fixed term to coaching of startup teams to activity as an interim manager in a company’s management board. KCT attaches high importance to the development of offers for companies in which KIT is a partner.

Contact Person

Dr. Hanns-Günther Mayer
tel.: +49 175 9355242