Startup Projects
Knowledge-based startups are considered a highly valuable form of technology transfer and are given a high priority at KIT. They combine creativity and economic exploitation of research results with the positive impetus young startups have on the innovation dynamics, growth, and labor market of their branch and their region.
When preparing for a successful start, some startup teams have already produced first prototypes or products, but hesitate to legally establish their startup company.
In this situation, KCT GmbH offers companies to enter the market under its “roof,” to validate their scopes of offers, and to gather first experience. The advantages these companies have are quick close-to-market acting, the positive image resulting from business pursued within the legal structure of a limited liability company, first turnovers, and autonomous accounting within KCT.
Contact the management of KCT or the startup coaches of the Founders Forge of KIT’s Innovation Management Service Unit.
Contact Person
Dr. Hanns-Günther Mayer
tel.: +49 175 9355242