TTU Product Development
and Devices

Prof. Dr. Sven Matthiesen

TTU Internal
Combustion Engine

Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch

TTU Particle Technology

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kasper

TTU Manufacturing

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fleischer

TTU Materials Analytics

Prof. Dr. Helmut Ehrenberg

TTU Organic Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bräse

TTU Thermal

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Bauer

TTU Product Development
and Drive Systems

Prof. Dr. Albert Albers

TTU High-temperature

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dieter Stapf

TTU Timber Engineering and
Building Constructions

Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Blaß

TTU Materials and
Process Engineering

Prof. Dr. Michael Hoffmann

TTU Off-highway

Prof. Dr. Marcus Geimer

TTU Thin-film Technology

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schabel

TTU Process Machines

Prof. Dr. Hermann Nirschl

TTU Cryogenic Materials

Prof. Dr. Mathias Noe

TTU Railway Technology

Prof. Dr. Peter Gratzfeld

TTU Materials Science

Prof. Dr. Volker Schulze

TTU Fluid Mechanics

Prof. Dr. Bettina Frohnapfel

TTU Transportation

Prof. Dr. Peter Vortisch

Prof. Dr. Manfred Wilhelm

TTU Characterization
of Polymers

TTU Electric Mobility

Prof. Dr. Martin Doppelbauer

TTU Gas Particle Technology

Prof. Dr. Achim Dittler

TTU Rheology and
Formulation of
Complex Fluids

Prof. Dr. Norbert Willenbacher

TTU Surface Technologies
and Nanotechnology

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel

TTU Lightweight

Prof. Dr. Frank Henning

TTU Reservoir Geology

Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers

TTU Materials Handling

Prof. Dr. Kai Furmans

TTU Concrete Structures
and Testing Technology

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Harald S. Müller

TTU Production and
Logistics Systems

Prof. Dr. Frank Schultmann

TTU Entrepreneurship
and Technology Management

Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis

TTU Surface-activeMaterials

Prof. Dr. Christof Wöll

TTU Quantum

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer

TTU Mobile Systems

Prof. Dr. Christoph Stiller

TTU Microwave

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick

Innovation Projects

Independent technology transfer units (TTUs) under the roof of KCT offer adequate framework conditions for the flexible execution of innovative projects. The TTUs are headed by professors of KIT. KCT legally represents the TTUs, is responsible for central financial and human resources management, and coordinates the interfaces to KIT and the partners.

Close-to-market and quick acting as a limited liability company, autonomous planning, project execution, and cost control in a separate unit (TTU) are only some of the advantages of KCT.

Here you’ll find informations to each unit:

Prof. Dr. Albert Albers

Phone +49 721 608-42371
Fax +49 721 608-46051

The TTU Product Development and Drive Systems is your partner in all matters relating to product engineering, from the optimization of development processes to development and construction to the validation of technical products using highly complex test beds.

Work focuses on drive systems of modern vehicles and lightweight construction of systems.

As a partner of all industry branches, we make available cross-industry knowledge on product development, integration of new and complex simulation methods, and XiL-based test environments for you to cope with the challenges of innovative product developments.

Professor Albers has been heading IPEK – the Institute of Product Engineering (formerly, Institute of Mechanical Design) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since 1996. He is member of the Advisory Board of VDI’s “Development – Engineering – Sales” Society (EKV), Chairman of the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung e.V. (WiGeP, Scientific Association for Product Engineering), and Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Design Society, and the DFG Review Board 402 “Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering.”

Prof. Dr. Tabea Arndt

Phone: +49 721 608-23515

The TTU Turning Amps offers support concerning challenges in devices and systems of high amperage / power.

The TTU Turning Amps is able to support in

  • Setup, planning, execution and management of contract orders for topics in the field of electric engineering
  • Evaluation of concepts and proposals
  • Development, consultancy and advice for winding, coil & magnet technology as well as system aspects
  • Implementation of high amperage technology
  • Strategic deduction and planning of realization roadmaps
  • Proof-of-Principle works

Prof. Dr. Tabea Arndt is holding the professorship in superconducting magnet design with Institute for Technical Physics (ITEP) at Karlsruher Institut of Technology (KIT).

Formerly, she worked for more than 20 years in different industries (from Material Science via Components to Systems), developed several first-of-its-kind applications (Cables, Current Leads, Motors / Generators, Transformers, Magnets, Fault Current Limiters) and is (co-)inventor of several dozens of patents.

Prof. Dr. Mike Barth

Phone: +49 721 608-42640

TTE Automation Technologies supports you in questions of efficient and digital engineering of automation systems. To do this, we use the latest findings, methods and tools to make your automated processes and the technology behind them as flexible as possible to meet your requirements. The focus is on model-based procedures, such as virtual commissioning, cyber-physical production systems, digital twins and information modelling as well as methods of artificial intelligence. We implement modern platform-based IIoT applications to process your data streams.

We offer help in conducting studies, modelling projects for data or process simulations, robot applications (especially in the field of Cobots) and in the classic field of control and automation technology. Our spectrum also includes topics related to the semantic web resp. edge and cloud applications.

The aim is efficient and digital engineering as well as resource-saving and sustainable operation of your automated solution. Exemplary fields of application of TTE Automation Technologies are: process automation, production and assembly automation, building automation, smart cities/buildings, energy systems and digital engineering in general.

As our client from automation technology, we offer you the following aspects:

  • Development and validation of information models – e.g. administration shells, simulation models and meta data models,
  • Support for the transfer of new norms and standards into your company, e.g. B. Module Type Package, NAMUR Open Architecture, web communication standards or security aspects,
  • Methods for validating automated systems,
  • Support in setting up automation architectures,
  • Methods for the system specification of cloud, edge or hybrid applications, including SaaS, PaaS and IaaS consulting,
  • Theoretical and experimental study of automation devices,
  • Training courses on all aspects of model-based Smart Systems Engineering and
  • Support in energy-efficient automation.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Barth holds the Chair for Networked Safe Automation Technology at the Institute for Automatic Control Systems IRS at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT. He is a member of national and international automation technology committees (GMA, NAMUR, IEEE and IFAC) and scientific editor-in-chief of atp magazine.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jörg Bauer

Phone +49 721 608-43240
Fax +49 721 608-42767

The TTU Thermal Turbomachines offers studies on e.g. gas turbines, flows in complex geometries, wall cooling methods, or heat transfer and analyzes components subjected to high thermal loads under close-to-reality conditions. Experimental studies are carried out using air compressed to up to 10 bar and indirectly pre-heated to 850°C at a maximum mass flow rate of about 1.5 kg/s. Investigations cover combustion processes with liquid or gaseous fuels using laser optical methods under conditions typical of combustion chambers.

Two-phase flows, such as technical atomization processes or liquid films, are studied experimentally under atmospheric conditions or at increased pressures and temperatures. For the numerical description of two-phase flows, both mesh-based CFD methods as well as the Lagrangian SPH method are used.

In addition, advanced cooling concepts for combustion chambers or turbine blades can be studied under real Reynolds and Mach number conditions. Air-cooled metallic and ceramic high-temperature components are subjected to cyclic tests at gas temperatures of up to 2000 K and assessed with respect to their lifetime. In addition, the TTU Thermal Turbomachines offers to study double-flow turbines at variable branch pressure ratios and supplies a large range of classical and laser optical measurement systems.

Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Blaß

Phone +49 721 608-42211
Fax +49 721 608-44081

The TTU Timber Engineering and Building Constructions offers advisory, development, and testing services in the areas of timber engineering and building constructions. Timber engineering covers wood materials, timber joints, and timber constructions. Work in the area of building constructions concentrates on scaffolds, timber formwork, and chimneys.

Work focuses on:

  • Mechanical timber joints with metallic or wood-based fasteners for connecting wooden components with steel or concrete.

  • Building materials consisting of coniferous timber or hardwood based on timber or veneer wood, such as laminated timber, cross-laminated timber, laminated veneer timber or veneer plywood.

  • Simulation calculations to predict the influence of variable wood qualities on the strength and stiffness of laminated timber or cross-laminated timber.

  • Strength grading of timber.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Blaß heads the Research Center for Steel, Timber, and Masonry – Timber Engineering and Building Constructions of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is publicly appointed and sworn expert of IHK Karlsruhe and one of the managing directors of Blaß & Eberhart GmbH Ingenieurbüro für Baukonstruktionen.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bräse

Phone +49 721 608-42902
Fax +49 721 608-48581

The TTU Organic Chemistry offers services in the areas of organic synthesis, bioorganic chemistry, development of active substances, analytical methods, materials chemistry, and related issues, including the corresponding consulting services.

The TTU covers the complete range of organic chemistry and offers to the customer an accordingly wide portfolio of services.

The TTU develops, optimizes, and/or carries out exploratory syntheses in organic chemistry (from the sub-milligram to the several hundreds gram scale). In addition, it offers a variety of analytical methods: NMR, mass spectrometry, optical methods, elemental analysis, and materials characterization.

In particular, the TTU has specialized in asymmetric synthesis and catalysis reactions, fluoroorganic synthesis, active ingredient synthesis, fluorophores, and combinatorial methods using the Complat platform.

Professor Dr. Stefan Bräse lectures at the Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and is Co-Director of the Institute of Toxicology and Genetics of KIT. In addition, he is Managing Director of the Heidelberg Karlsruhe Research Partnership (HEIKA) und Member of the DFG Review Board on Organic Molecular Chemistry 301-2.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Deml

Phone: +49 721 608-44228
Fax: +49 721 608-47935

The TTU work design offers support in creating optimal conditions for the interaction of people, technology, information and organization within the work system. The main focus is on the design of user-friendly everyday objects and the ergonomic design of the workplace and working environment. The TTE has well-founded advisory skills in order to design work activities in production and service companies in a humane and at the same time economically and technologically sensible way. Our range of services includes: 

•    The planning, implementation and statistical evaluation of empirical user studies and workplace analyzes in the laboratory and on site. We have many years of expertise in the acquisition and interpretation of behavioral data (e.g. eye, gaze and body movement) and physiological data (e.g. EKG, EMG, EDA, PPG). 

•    The creation of digital human models in order to check possible application scenarios in early phases of product and work design (e.g. assessment of human body stress or visual conditions). We have the expertise to model both on the basis of anthropometric data and musculoskeletal structures and to visualize the simulation results in a virtual environment. 

•    The derivation of design recommendations for the design of ergonomic products (e.g. user-centered human-machine interfaces, requirement-based assistance systems), workplaces and environments (e.g. noise, lighting, climate). We not only know the relevant standards and guidelines, we also combine them with ergonomic expertise. 

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Deml is head of the Institute for Ergonomics and Business Organization at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT.

Prof. Dr. Achim Dittler

Phone +49 721 608-46561
Fax +49 721 608-46563

The TTU Gas Particle Technology offers a wide spectrum of services relating to gas particle systems.

Based on comprehensive expertise in the areas of particle formation, characterization, and separation, the TTU supports customers in the analysis of process technology issues and develops customer-specific solutions.

The scope of services covers:

  • Emission measurements with latest technologies.

  • Particle characterization by SEM and TEM.

  • Determination of size distributions of disperse systems.

  • Assessment of filters (surfaces – depth filters – oil mist filters) and exhaust gas aftertreatment systems with respect to their separation, operation, and aging behavior.

The spectrum of services is complemented by individual trainings on “gas particle technology and exhaust gas (after)treatment” of small groups of up to twenty persons and strategic-technical advising in these areas.

Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Achim Dittler is member of the Board of the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics and Head of the Gas Particle Systems Group of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is appointed member of the ProcessNet Committee on “Gasreinigung” (gas cleaning), Dechema member, and Scientific Committee Member of the American Filtration & Separations Society (AFS).

Prof. Dr. Martin Doppelbauer

Phone +49 721 608-46250
Fax +49 721 358854

The TTU Electric Mobility provides support relating to electric and hybrid drivetrains. We supply customer-specific as well as holistic solutions, from concept studies to the development of prototypes to the measurement of complete drivetrains. Our spectrum ranges from the electric bicycle to passenger cars to commercial vehicles. Our test field covers the power range from a few hundred watts to more than 200 kW with rotation speeds of up to 30,000 rev/min. We are experienced in prototype construction of components, the construction of test field equipment, and the change of complete vehicles to electric drives.

The scope of services includes:

  • Concept studies and simulations relating to electric and hybrid electric drives and vehicles.

  • Development of the electric motors (electromagnetic design, design of the cooling system, mechanical construction).

  • Development of power electronics to control electric motors (AC/DC converters) and for DC coupling of HV-LV or HV-HV (DC/DC converters).

  • Development and implementation of control methods .

  • Prototype construction of all electric components of drivetrains (electric motors, power electronics, baTTUry management systems, electronic charging circuits, etc.).

  • Measurement of soft-magnetic materials (electrosheets and complete electrical steel packages/teeth).

  • Measurement and characterization of electric machines (flux characteristics, efficiency characteristics).

  • Measurement and characterization of power electronics circuits and components.

  • Measurement and characterization of electric drivetrains (dynamic behavior, efficiency, NVH).

Professor Dr.-Ing. Martin Doppelbauer holds the Professorship for Hybrid Electric Vehicles of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is expert for the development and production of electric motors for industrial and transaction applications. Professor Doppelbauer has been active for many years in national and international standardization by the German Electrotechnical Commission, CENELEC, and IEC. Since 2016, he has been Chairman of IEC TC2 Rotating Machinery.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Düser

Phone: +49 721 608-42378
Fax: +49 721 608-46051

The Technology Transfer Unit (TTU) product development and validation supports customers in the area of ​​development and validation methodology through to the implementation of validation and verification tasks using virtual and cyber-physical methods, focused especially on new technologies and complex systems-of-systems.

We see ourselves as a partner to all branches of industry and help you to master your challenges in the development of innovative products with cross-sector know-how in the field of product development, the integration of new and complex simulation methods as well as XiL-based test bench environments.

Prof. Düser is head of IPEK – Institute for Product Development at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT. He has extensive expertise in the field of validation and validation methods, especially of driver assistance systems and automated driving. In addition, he works in various working groups, e.g. the IAMTS or the UNECE.

Prof. Dr. Helmut Ehrenberg

Phone +49 721 608-26351
Fax +49 721 608-26363

The TTU Materials Analytics offers a large spectrum of methods for structural and chemical characterization of materials. These methods cover all necessary steps from sampling to experimental investigation to detailed evaluation and documentation. Other characterization services can be rendered on request.

Professor Dr. Helmut Ehrenberg heads the Institute for Applied Materials – Energy Storage Systems (IAM-ESS) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and is Member of the Institute Board, Speaker of the Transfer Unit, and Head of Collaborative Research Center 595 “Elektrische Ermüdung in Funktionswerkstoffen” (electrical fatigue in functional materials). In addition, he works in review panels of the Neutron Research Source FRM-II (since 2009, he has been chairing the “Structure“ section) and of the Institut Laue-Langevin. From 2009 to 2011, he was spokesperson of the “Special Interest Group: Functional Materials“ of the “European Crystallographic Association (ECA).“

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fleischer

Phone +49 721 608-44009
Fax +49 721 608-45005

The TTU Manufacturing Technology offers technology development within production systems. The scope of services ranges from fabrication processes and their impacts on materials properties to accessory components, machines, and facilities to complete production systems and factory and supply networks. Services are offered in the areas of microengineering, lightweight construction, electric mobility, Industry 4.0, and generative processes.

The TTU Manufacturing Technology supports industry partners along the complete production chain and supplies holistic production solution approaches. We offer a wide spectrum of services to optimally support transfer to our industry partners.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer heads the Department of Machines, Equipment, and Process Automation of the wbk Institute of Production Science of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center AMTC of Tongji University Shanghai and working as guest professor there.

Prof. Dr. Bettina Frohnapfel

Phone +49 721 608-43031
Fax +49 721 608-45147

The TTU Fluid Mechanics offers basic investigations and analyses of fluid flows. This includes their calculation and/or measurement as well as the development and assessment of flow manipulation options.

The scope of offers covers the investigation of incompressible as well as of compressible flows, partly in combination with heat transfer, chemical reactions or phase changes (cavitation) on various scales, from the tribological lubrication gap to heat exchangers to engine compartment flows to an aircraft wing.

Apart from a large range of numerical tools (DNS, LES, (U)RANS with different turbulence models) and latest fluid measurement technology (HW, LDA, PIV, PTV), competent analysis of measurement or simulation data is in the focus of the TTU. From the results, cause-effect relationships can be derived, which are indispensable for the specific manipulation of flow, e.g. to improve energy efficiency of a system or prevent material damage.

The scope of services covers:

  • Advice and support relating to the calculation and/or measurement of flows.

  • Competent and physics-based data evaluation, analysis, and interpretation.

  • Development of proposals for flow manipulation.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Bettina Frohnapfel heads the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISTM) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Prof. Dr. Kai Furmans

Phone +49 721 608-48600
Fax +49 721 608-48629

The TTU Materials Handling Technology and Supply Chain Management offers advice, design, and technology development services for logistic systems, conveyor and transportation systems and components, as well as supply chains.

We render support services and provide advice for the introduction and improvement of production systems, in particular with respect to logistics and its interactions with production, design, and dimensioning of materials handling and logistics systems or complete supply chains. It is also possible to develop and consider technical aspects of the design and control of materials handling systems and conveyors. Hence, the TTU pursues a holistic approach, including support of our partners during implementation.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Kai Furmans heads the Institute for Materials Handling and Logistics of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Prof. Dr. Marcus Geimer

Phone +49 721 608-48601
Fax +49 721 608-48609

Testing, development, and validation of innovative drive and control systems of off-highway machines are in the focus of the TTU Off-highway Machines. As a partner of industry, we particularly support the branches of agricultural and forestry machinery, construction machines, industrial trucks, and municipal machines.

Various systems can be applied for the development of new control strategies. Drive and gear units of up to 220 kN traction per axle and 300 bar system pressure can be studied.

The TTU works with comprehensive simulation tools to calculate the behavior of machines and systems and is experienced in using methods with concentrated parameters for mechanical, electrical, thermal, and hydraulic systems.

Special experience is available in the area of hydrostatic drives.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Marcus Geimer heads the Institute of Vehicle System Technology and holds the Chair for Off-highway Machines of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He chairs the VDI CommiTTUe Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik (Max Eyth Society for Agricultural Technology) and heads the NLA standardization body of the German Engineering Association (VDMA).

Prof. Dr. Peter Gratzfeld

Phone: +49 721 608-48608
Fax: +49 721 608-48639

The TTU Railway Technology offers scientific services at the interfaces of vehicles, infrastructure, and operation. Work focuses on rail and road vehicles used for public passenger transportation.

The TTU possesses competencies and systems expertise in the following areas:

  • complete Vehicle

  • power Supply

  • drive systems.

  • wheel-rail system.

For experimental studies, large test beds are available. For electric drive technology studies in particular, a test rig with original railway engines used in public passenger transport is available.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Gratzfeld heads the Institute for Vehicle System Technology (FAST) and holder of the professorship  for Railway System Technology of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Prof. Dr. Christian Greiner

Phone: +49 721 204 327 42

TTU Tribology and Damage Studies is your partner in all material science aspects of materials under tribological load and all damage studies in general.

Our main research topics are:

  • High-resolution microstructural and chemical characterization of materials
  • Measuring and understanding friction and wear
  • Laser surface texturing
  • Biomechanical optimization of components and structures
  • Implementation of data science approaches

With this unique combination of scientific expertise and analytical tools, we aim to strategically optimize materials and microstructures for lower friction and less wear.

Prof. Dr. Christian Greiner was appointed to the professorship for “Additively Manufactured Components and Microstructure Design” at the Institute for Applied Materials (IAM-ZM) – Reliability and Microstructure in August 2021. At the same time, he took over the management of the former biomechanics group.

He is a member of the German Society for Material Science (DGM), Materials Research Society (MRS), The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) and the German Physical Society (DPG).

Prof. Dr. Frank Henning

Phone: +49 721 608-45384
Fax: +49 721 608-44146

The TTU Lightweight Construction studies all aspects relating to materials and technologies for innovative lightweight constructions, from product development and design to selection and development of processing technologies to evaluation and validation of technical lightweight products to implementation and expansion of series production.

We understand ourselves as the partner of all industry branches, but focus on the automotive sector. We can provide cross-sectoral know-how in technology and concept development, use of simulation methods, and selection and development of adequate materials systems and processing methods.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Frank Henning heads the Institute of Vehicle System Technology (FAST) and holds the Chair of Lightweight Construction of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Deputy Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) in Pfinztal and Managing Director of the Fraunhofer Project Centre for Composites Research in London, Canada, as well as of the Fraunhofer Project Center for Composites Research in Ulsan, Korea.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers

Phone: +49 721 608-42139
Fax: +49 721 608-42138

The TTU Reservoir Geology offers services in the area of rock and reservoir characterization. This includes the evaluation and use of georesources and geological storage systems as well as the evaluation of reservoir volumes.

We offer:

  • Worldwide field studies of reservoir bodies and recording of digital 3D fracture networks.

  • Mineralogical and petrographical analysis of drill cores and rocks.

  • Measurement of petrophysical properties: sGR, porosity, permeability, magnetic susceptibility, natural remanent magnetization.

  • Analysis of mechanical stratigraphy.

  • Reservoir qualities and models.

Our professional consulting and training services are aimed at developing specific solutions for and transferring knowledge to our customers.

Professor Dr. Christoph Hilgers holds the Chair of Structural Geology and is Member of the Board of the Institute of Applied Geosciences of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Prof. Dr. Michael Hoffmann

Phone: +49 721 608-44246
Fax: +49 721 608-48891

The TTU Materials and Process Engineering offers services for the development of powder technology materials, from synthesis and molding to sintering, and the characterization of properties of materials and components, the focus being on non-metallic inorganic materials. Our services cover oxidic and non-oxidic structural ceramics, functional ceramics for sensors and actuators, active and passive components for electrochemical storage systems, and materials of functional porosity.

To industry partners, we offer materials and process development solutions. The TTU applies a variety of methods for the processing of fine powders and studies their consolidation by dry or wet-chemical processes as well as subsequent compaction using pressure-free or pressure-aided sintering processes. Integrated in-situ measurement technology is available.

In the area of materials characterization, the TTU uses latest structural characterization methods. We analyze microstructures and assess cases of damage. Moreover, we determine mechanical, electric, or magnetic parameters that are needed by our industry partners for design purposes. The TTU has vast expertise in the mechanical characterization of brittle materials.

Professor Dr. Michael Hoffmann heads the Institute for Applied Materials – Ceramic Materials and Technologies (IAM-KWT) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kasper

Phone: +49 721 608-46561
Fax: +49 721 608-46563

The TTU Particle Technology offers services in the area of process technologies relating to gas-particle systems. The scope of offers covers filter technology for gases (depth filters – cleaning filters – oil mist filters) as well as process engineering to structure nanoparticulate materials in the gas phase and investigation of structure-function relationships. Both types of services are based on latest high-performance measurement equipment for the characterization of particles and processes, often in situ and in real time.

Professor Dr. Gerhard Kasper is Member of the Board of the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics (MVM) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and heads the Gas- Particle Systems Section (GPS). He also is Deputy Chairman of Aerosol Akademie e.V.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch

Phone: +49 721 608-42430
Fax: +49 721 608-48519

The TTU Internal Combustion Engine Drives renders services relating to the combustion engine and in particular to its thermodynamic, fluid dynamics, and energy analysis and optimization.

We support our customers by optimizing their products in three areas: Constant CO2 reduction, further reduction of other engine emissions, and overall system simplification. Increase in efficiency and selection of alternative fuels are measures to reduce CO2 emission. Optimization of all combustion-relevant processes and close coupling with exhaust gas aftertreatment are crucial to the reduction of engine emissions. Overall system simplification covers the reduction of system complexity, load reduction of the cooling system, reduction of the noble metal concentration of AGN substrates, or reduced utilization of control devices thanks to improved control strategies.

Successful solution of problems by the TTU is based on multidisciplinary cooperation. By using various measurement techniques of the highest level, all potentials can be leveraged optimally. Optical analysis methods, for instance, produce valuable findings and numerical simulation opens up additional options when calculating complex systems in advance or analyzing experimental data.

Our activities focus on:

  • Combustion processes

  • Engine systems and exhaust gas aftertreatment

  • Emissions

  • Oil cycle and aerosols

  • Residual heat utilization

  • Alternative fuels

  • Cogeneration plants

Professor Dr. Thomas Koch heads the Institut für Kolbenmaschinen of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb

Phone: +49 721 608-47356

TTE Analysis and Raw Materials offers its customers services in the field of inorganic analysis of mineral or metallic substances and water. This includes both the comprehensive geochemical and mineralogical characterization of the samples using the latest analytical methods. We also offer consulting on all aspects of raw materials and exploration.

Our range of services focuses on:

  • X-ray analysis with fluorescence and diffraction analysis (chemistry and minerals)
  • Water analysis
  • Mass Spectroscopy
  • Worldwide field studies of deposits, drill cores, water and rock samples with mapping and sampling with subsequent analysis

Our precise analysis as well as our professional consulting and training offer our customers targeted solutions and knowledge transfer. Please contact us about specific analytical questions.

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb is a professor of geochemistry and mineral deposits and a member of the management board of the Institute for Applied Geosciences at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He heads the laboratory for environmental and raw material analysis ( He is a member of the management of the THINKTANK “Industrial Resource Strategies”, topic spokesman for georesources at the KIT Center for Climate and Environment, board member of the Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) and founding member of the FUTURE section (research and technology for underground, raw materials & energy ) of the German Geological Society/Geological Association (DGGV).

Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche

Phone: +49 721 608-41580
Fax: +49 721 608-47821

The TTE “Human-Centered Information Systems” supports you in all questions regarding the design of human-centered systems using contemporary information and communication technologies. By use of artificial intelligence (AI) and biosignal sensor technologies, the TTU is dedicated to the study and design of systems to increase human productivity and well-being.

The TTU is currently active in the following areas:

1) Interactive business intelligence & analytics systems,
2) AI-based processes, especially using language processing technologies,
3) User-adaptive systems using biosignals (especially eye-tracking, ECG and speech) and
4) User-centered development processes following a human-in-the-loop paradigm.

Cooperation takes the form of projects, workshops, training courses and lectures.

Prof. Mädche has headed the research group Information Systems I ( at the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since 2016. With his work, he makes scientific contributions to the areas of human-computer interaction (HCI) and information systems  (IS). Prof. Mädche is involved in transfer in many ways, including being a member of the board of directors of the non-profit associations Usability & User Experience in Germany e.V. ( and Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V. (

Prof. Dr. Sven Matthiesen

Phone: +49 721 608-47156
Fax: +49 721 608-46051

The TTU Product Development and Devices provides support relating to the methodological development of mechatronic products. Based on latest scientific findings, we produce innovations for technical systems, development processes, and development methods for our customers. Work focuses on the development and validation of hand-held devices. Here, man directly interacts with the technical system. These machines have to be developed and optimized taking in consideration the human beings involved. We offer methods for application studies, modelings of the human-machine system, measurements of relevant interactions (e.g. vibration, forces on the tool handle), and studies of the usability of your product compared to other products on the market.

Based on a systemic approach and quantifiable measurement data, we derive quantifiable target parameters for product development.

We offer the following services to enhance your competitiveness:

  • Theoretical and experimental studies of tools and devices.

  • Comparison of competing products in terms of constructive design and performance characteristics.

  • Methods to determine and actively design interactions between user, device, and environment.

  • Methods to validate technical systems.

  • Support in industrial device development.

  • Assessment of the usability of your product, e.g. by using modern eye-tracking systems.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Sven Matthiesen is head of the institute at IPEK – Institute for Product Development, chair for Device Design and Machine Elements at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). He is a member of the board of the Scientific Society for Product Development (WiGeP).

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald S. Müller

Phone: +49 721 608-43890
Fax: +49 721 608-48400

The TTU Concrete Structures and Testing Technology offers advice and studies in the areas of construction materials, construction physics, concrete and reinforced concrete structures, as well as restoration of buildings and other testing tasks. We have vast expertise and experimental installations suited for the execution of all tests required, from the microscale to the real scale of components. The services offered by the TTU cover advice relating to concrete structures, analyses of materials, damage assessments, calibrations, as well as support in the development of construction products and new construction systems, training and technology transfer, and special tests up to very high forces (15 MN).

To render the services mentioned, various analysis instruments are available to determine chemical and physical properties of construction materials and to characterize these materials, also by means of imaging methods. Mechanical tests can be carried out at forces ranging from a few Newtons up to several Meganewtons under static and dynamic as well as changed climate conditions. The experimental equipment of the TTU is complemented by measurement instruments suited for outdoor use.

Professor Harald S. Müller has been Member of the Board of the Institute of Concrete Structures and Building Materials and Holder of the Chair for Construction Materials and Concrete Structures of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since 1995. Since 2006, he has also been Director of the Materials Testing and Research Institute, MPA Karlsruhe, of KIT. He is Review Board Member of DFG, member of national and international associations, and expert in standardization committees in the construction sector. From 2015 to 2016, he was President of the International Federation of Structural Concrete (fib) and still is Member of the fib Board.

Prof. Dr. Hermann Nirschl

Phone: +49 721 608-42404
Fax: +49 721 608-42405

The TTU Process Machines offers to develop technical processes for particle production and particle processing in the liquid phase, the focus being on filtration and centrifugation as well as mixing and agglomeration. Materials can be studied over the whole range, from particulate systems based on metal oxides to pure metals to biological products and food.

To assess processes for our customers, the TTU offers a variety of techniques to determine particle size distributions or particulate structures, such as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), or special techniques to determine adhesion forces.

To describe and understand the processes taking place in processing machines, we develop simulation methods to predict multi-phase flows with sufficient accuracy. These methods are based largely on computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The particle behavior can be integrated among others by discrete element methods (DEM). In addition, lattice-Boltzmann or Stokesian dynamics codes are developed for special and advanced process simulations.

The process understanding obtained with the help of characterization and simulation methods leads to the development of new machines and devices that can also be adjusted to new concepts or requirements of our customers.

Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Hermann Nirschl is Member of the Board of the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics and Head of the Process Machines Section of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Appointed Member of the GVC Committees “Mechanical Fluid Separation” and “Interfaces in Solid Processing Technology” and Member of the DFG Committee 403 “Verfahrenstechnik, Technische Chemie” (Process Technology, Technical Chemistry) Fach 403-03 “Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik” (Mechanical Process Technology).

Prof. Dr. Mathias Noe

Phone: +49 721 608-23500
Fax: +49 721 608-22849

New technologies require cryogenic operation conditions for some applications. Gas, aerospace, automotive, or medical technologies and in particular superconductor applications need temperatures ranging from e.g. 200 K to 4 K. The TTU Energy and superconductor applications studies materials properties under cryogenic operation conditions and offers basic expertise in this area.

The TTU offers tests in the temperature range from 300 K to 4 K:

  • Mechanical tests (tension, compression, bending, torsion, fatigue, fracture toughness, etc.)

  • Thermal tests (expansion, conductivity, thermal capacity)

  • Magnetic tests (susceptibility)

  • Electric tests (conductivity)

Measurements can partly be combined, e.g. they can be carried out in a magnetic field, or electromechanical tests can be executed. Apart from tests according to standards (ISO, DIN, ASTM…), special tests can be carried out, if feasible.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Mathias Noe is Director of the Institute for Technical Physics of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is President of the European Society for Applied Superconductivity (ESAS) and Member of the International Council of Large Electric Systems (CIGRE), the International Energy Agency, the Technical Advisory Panel of Fusion for Energy (F4E), the Association Steering Committee Euratom-KIT, and the Administration Council of the Heinrich Hertz Society, among others.

Prof. Dr. Bryce S. Richards

Phone: +49 721 608-26562

The TTU Nanophotonics for Energy supports industry partners in the areas of photonics, luminescent materials, light emission, and solar energy harvesting.  We offer leading expertise in a broad spectrum of cooperation options so as to accompany and support our industry partners in the best possible way through knowledge exchange and transfer services.  Our areas of expertise are as follows:

  • Synthesis of inorganic luminescent materials – ranging from micron- to nano-scale – for applications such as biomedical imaging, anti-counterfeiting, plastic recycling and spectral conversion
  • Photocatalytic thin-films and coatings
  • Deposition of thin-films for solar energy harvesting applications – semiconductors, dielectrics, and metal contact layers
  • Design of novel solar cells and small-area PV modules – including printed, coloured, patterned devices
  • Broad expertise spanning simulation, fabrication and full characterization of light-driven systems.

Professor Dr. Bryce S. Richards holds a professorship within the faculty of electrical engineering at KIT and is co-director of both the Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) and the Light Technology Institute (LTI).

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schabel

Phone: +49 721 608-43765
Fax: +49 721 608-43490

The TTU Thin-film Technology supports industry partners in the area of drying and thin-film technologies. It develops customer-specific as well as holistic solution approaches. We offer leading expertise in a broad spectrum of cooperation options so as to accompany and support our industry partners in the best possible way through exchange and transfer services.

Work concentrates on the following areas:

  • Drying technology of thin layers

  • Coating technologies from the liquid phase in the micro and nanometer scale

  • Mass transfer of solvents in polymer layer systems

  • Sorption and diffusion in polymers and porous layers

  • Process technology in the area of battery electrode fabrication

  • Slot nozzle and rebound nozzle technologies, mass and heat transfer processes

  • Numerical simulations of drying processes

  • Slot die coating and its application for producing thick- and thin-layer systems

  • Coating and drying of nanolayer systems

Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Wilhelm Schabel holds the professorship for and heads the group of “Thin Film Technology” (TFT) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Professor Schabel is expert for thin-film technologies for industrial coatings and drying applications.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Iris Schäfer

Phone: +49 721 608-26909

The TTU Membrane Materials & Processes offers its customers basic and application-oriented investigations on the subject of membranes for water treatment. This includes the design and development of new materials, their characterization, detection of fouling and the interpretation of procedures.

The applied methods include a multi-scale characterization of membrane retention, surface characterization and energy considerations in the application. In the methods, the range of small material samples (diameter 2.5 cm up to the industrial module) and pore sizes from dense reverse osmosis to functionalized microfiltration (0.2 nm to 0.45 μm) are investigated. A particular focus is on the retention and degradation of trace pollutants, which can be determined in the case of hormones, up to a detection limit of 0.1 ng / L. Furthermore, studies in real and environmentally relevant waters, speciation and interactions of solutes are core competencies of this TTE.

Our range of services includes:

initiation, management, planning, controlling of service projects with companies on topics of membrane materials & processes,

determination of permeability, salt retention, molecular cut-offs, trace contaminants retention, adsorption and degradation by methods that provide comparable results with spiral wound modules,

development of new membrane materials,

conception of new membrane processes, in particular renewable energy-operated, self-sufficient plants for developing countries and remote areas,

developed sustainable evaluation strategies and development of the application in water treatment together with the customer,

consultation on topics of membrane materials & processes as well as support of concrete innovation and start-up projects.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Iris Schäfer is the founder and director of the Department of Membrane Technology at the Institute for Functional Interfaces (IFG-MT) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel

Telefon +49 721 608-43570
Fax +49 721 608-48480

The TTU Surface Technologies and Nanotechnology is your partner and advisor in research, development, and analytics relating to surface and interface technologies as well as nanotechnology. Apart from the support of cooperation projects with industry, we offer advice to private companies in the following areas:

  • Development of surfaces and interfaces with customized properties;
  • Optimization of adhesion, cohesion, and bonding;
  • Friction, abrasion, and wear – development of novel types of anti-wear coatings;
  • Nanotribology – friction, adhesion, and wear on the microscopic scale;
  • Surface analytics (electron microscopy and electron spectroscopy, optical microscopy and optical spectroscopy, scanning force microscopy, spatially resolved adhesion, tribology, contact angle etc.);
  • Advanced scanning force microscopy – development of methods and their application;
  • Macro-, micro-, and nanofluidics;  
  • Surface functionalization and surface structuring, nanolithography;
  • Wettability of surfaces – control of wetting and dewetting;
  • Surface coatings – development of coatings, coating technologies, coating properties, optimization of coatings;
  • Bionics of functional surfaces;
  • Nanotechnology.

Professor Dr. Thomas Schimmel heads the Institute of Applied Physics and the Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanolithography Unit of the Institute of Nanotechnology of KIT. Schimmel initiated and is spokesperson of the Baden-Württemberg research network “Functional Nanostructures.” He also is editor-in-chief of the international ”Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.“ He repeatedly received awards for his research work, including the renowned Philip Morris Research Award and the State Research Award of Baden-Württemberg.

Prof. Dr. Frank Schultmann

Phone: +49 721 608-44469
Fax: +49 721 608-44682

The TTU Production and Logistics Systems offers services in the areas of design, evaluation, and optimization of production and logistics systems. The scope of services covers the complete chain of added value, from the extraction of resources to production to product use to product disassembly, recycling, and circular economy.

Our interdisciplinary approaches combine competencies in economics, systems analysis, and operations research as well as in engineering. We offer consulting and development services in various areas, such as resources efficiency, materials and energy flow management, sustainability, risk management, technology assessment, supply chain management, production and (re)distribution logistics, project management, and Industry 4.0.

Professor Dr. rer. pol. Frank Schultmann heads the Institute for Industrial Production (IIP) as well as the German-French Institute for Environmental Research (DFIU) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Director for Project Management at the University of Adelaide and holds guest professorships at the University of Adelaide and Queensland University of Technology in Australia.

Prof. Dr. Volker Schulze

Phone: +49 721 608-42440
Fax: +49 721 608-45004

Spectrum of Services

Quasistatic Materials Testing

Competencies of the TTU in the area of quasistatic materials testing cover both the development of testing technologies and the testing know-how for a large range of temperatures, loadings, and load speeds. Various tests, from simple tensile tests of metals to complex delamination tests of composites, can be implemented.

Fatigue Strength

In addition, the TTU Materials Science has vast expertise relating to cyclic loading of specimens and components. Specimens can be characterized by single or multiple-stage tests, also under thermal or thermomechanical loading. Moreover, we offer documentation of deformation and damage behavior by means of latest measurement methods.

Structural Characterization

The TTU Materials Science can make quantitative and qualitative structural characterizations with the help of light and scanning electron microscopy as well as focused ion beam studies and atomic probe tomography on various scales. In addition, micro and small-load hardness tests as well as spectral analysis services are offered.

Radiographic Structural and Stress Analyses

In the area of radiographic structural and stress analysis, we offer phase analysis, residual stress measurements, as well as analyses of textures and of pore and inclusion distributions. Alternative mechanical residual stress measurement and ultrasonic methods are used to study difficult-to-access parts of components or for in situ applications.

Relationship between Fabrication and Component Behavior

Expertise in materials testing and characterization know-how also are combined to analyze the impacts of fabrication processes on the component behavior. Work focuses on the development and optimization of thermal treatment as well as of mechanical surface treatment methods. The TTU Materials Science provides support in the numerical description of fabrication processes as well as in the simulation of structure, stress, and failure development.

Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Volker Schulze is Spokesperson of the Board of the Institute for Production Science (wbk), Member of the Board of the Institute for Applied Materials – Materials Science and Technology (IAM-WK), and heads the Manufacturing and Materials Technology Section of wbk of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Member of Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktionstechnik (WGP, scientific association for production technology) and of the Scientific Council of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e.V. (AWT, association for thermal treatment and materials technology).

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Stapf

Phone: +49 721 608-29270
Fax: +49 721 608-24373

The TTU High-temperature Technology offers services for the implementation of innovative high-temperature technology. This includes the assessment and evaluation of high-temperature processes, comparisons of technologies, or the analysis of applications of process chains for the thermal utilization of residues.

We support our customers by studies or optimization calculations based on theoretical models as well as by practically transferable measurements. Our services include:

  • Characterization of the combustion properties of agricultural and forestry residues.

  • Tests on the technical scale for product optimization of pyrolysis.

  • Tests of filter media at high operation temperatures.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Dieter Stapf heads the Institute for Technical Chemistry (ITC) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Stiller

Phone: +49 721 608-42325
Fax: +49 721 661874

The TTU Autonomous Mobile Systems offers expertise and technology development services for the automation of mobile systems. Our service spectrum ranges from sensor data analysis to movement planning.

We understand ourselves as a partner, who develops and implements customized and consistent solutions for autonomous mobility together with our customers. We also develop individual modules by using a holistic approach based on our vast expertise in the area of autonomous vehicles and robots.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Christoph Stiller heads the Institute of Measurement and Control of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Member of the IEEE Standardization Coordination Committee for Transportation and was President of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society from 2012 to 2013. Autonomous vehicles developed by his team were successful in several international competitions.

Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis

Phone: +49 721 608-47341
Fax: +49 721 608-47821

The TTU Entrepreneurship and Technology Management helps identify, assess, and develop entrepreneurial opportunities.

For technology-based innovations, the TTU has developed professional approaches that have already been tested in practice. Based on the methodological characterization of technologies, idea-finding processes are initiated and possibilities to come to a strategically sound decision are evaluated.

In addition, we offer standard services relating to entrepreneurship. Specially developed formats support research and development staff in generating strategic patent portfolios.

We cooperate with partners of several branches and use our specific entrepreneurship know-how for supporting their innovation processes and identifying and opening up growth opportunities. Cooperation takes place in the form of projects, workshops, and trainings.

Since 2011, Professor Terzidis has been heading the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, and Innovation (ENTECHNON) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Member of the Board of the Förderkreis Gründungsforschung (entrepreneurship research), Spokesperson of the BDI working group “Internet der Energie” (internet of energy), and member of advisory councils of incubators and investors.

Prof. Dr. Peter Vortisch

Phone: +49 721 608-42255
Fax: +49 721 608-48031

The TTU Transportation offers advice and development in the area of transportation, with the work ranging from society-relevant planning concepts to technical problems of traffic management. We develop interdisciplinary concepts for the efficient and sustainable organization of mobility. Our methods extend from analytical approaches to complex simulations, often based on comprehensive measurements and surveys. Our scope of services covers:

  • Customer-specific empirical mobility research: Systematic survey and analysis of the individual mobility behavior based on observations and interviews.

  • Model calculations to predict the effects of future framework conditions (demography, infrastructure).

  • Traffic measurement technology: Determination of traffic processes by various traffic monitoring systems, including radar systems, automatic license plate recognition systems, and video measurement technology.

  • Traffic simulation: Systematic observation of the driving behavior and development of simulation models for traffic flow, e.g. for assessing innovative driver assistance systems or for proving the capacity of planned infrastructure.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Vortisch heads the Institute for Transport Studies (IfV) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Member of the Road and Transportation Research Association (FGVS) and of the Transportation Research Board (TRB). In addition, he is Member of the Expert Panel of NGSIM – New Generation Simulation Program of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Member of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Informatics Society), and Member of the German Association of Transport Sciences (DVWG).

Prof. Dr. Alexander Waibel

Phone: +49 721 608-44730
Fax: +49 721 60 77 21

TTU Automated Speech Recognition, Machine Translation & Speech Processing is your partner for all matters relating to the automatic processing of natural language: from the simultaneous automatic recognition and translation of lectures and talks, to the support of translators and interpreters up to dialogue management.

Our main focuses are:

  • Simultaneous automatic translation of lectures in real time
  • Automatic speech recognition
  • Machine translation
  • Dialogue Management

Prof. Dr. Alexander Waibel is a professor at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, and at the Department of Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The interests of Prof.  Waibel focus on technologies that enhance human communication and include research on subjects such as multimodal interfaces, speech recognition, machine translation, speech synthesis, handwriting recognition, human-machine interaction, neural networks, and machine learning.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer

Phone: +49 721 608-43430
Fax: +49 721 608-46103

The TTU  offers the opportunity to carry out innovative projects in the field of quantum technology quickly and flexibly.  Our expertise in this filed are especially  in the planning, management and controlling of service projects.

In close cooperation with the customer, the TTE develops electronic circuits, assemblies and equipment in order to be able to use sustainable quantum technologies. The technologies  developed should be scalable and thus suitable for widespread use  in the future market “quantum technology”. For example, a compact, financially affordable and fully automated cooling system for quantum computers will be developed.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer holds an Alexander von Humboldt professorship, heads collegially the Physikalisches Institut at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and heads the research unit of Molecular Quantum Devices at the Institute of Nanotechnology at KIT. He is an outstanding expert for the development of compact and efficient cooling systems and components necessary for experiments at milli-Kelvin temperatures. For his research he has repeatedly been awarded prizes, including the renowned Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, CNRS Silver Medal, International Olivier Kahn Award, Europhysics Prize.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Wilhelm

Telefon +49 721 608-43151
Fax +49 721 608-994004

The TTU Characterization of Polymers offers its customers a wide range of methods for the analysis of polymers. Comprehensive expertise and a number of characterization methods are available. Identification of polymers and analysis of viscoelastic properties in the melt or solid can be accomplished and may be complemented by imaging methods, if necessary. In addition, model polymers with a narrow distribution and customized topology can be synthesized by anionic polymerization. Thanks to this broad spectrum of methods, the TTU can offer analysis concepts tailored to various problems.

The following standard analysis methods are available: NMR and infrared spectroscopy for the identification of polymers, size exclusion chromatography (GPC or SEC) for the analysis of chain length and distribution, dynamic differential calorimetry (DSC) for thermal properties, and static and dynamic light scattering. A special method to analyze morphology is small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS).

A major focus of the TTU lies on the mechanical properties of polymers in the melt and solid. Various shear and strain rheology methods can be applied to analyze melts. Solids can be analyzed by dynamic-mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) or tensile-strain tests. Analysis covers all steps from specimen preparation to extrusion or injection molding to measurement to data analysis by experienced experts.

Moreover, the TTU is the only unit of its kind that develops new combinations of characterization methods to determine correlated properties. Work concentrates on measurement methods combining mechanical properties (rheology) with molecular properties (mobility by NMR and dielectric spectroscopy, order by SAXS) as well as on the combination of size determination (GPC) with chemical detection (IR or NMR). Combined rheo-NMR, for instance, enables analysis of mechanical properties in correlation with molecular stability, which allows conclusions to be drawn with respect to e.g. shear-induced crystallization in polymers. Combined GPC-IR allows for a correlation between size and chemical identity. The resulting data are essential for polymer blends and copolymers.

Professor Dr. Manfred Wilhelm studied chemistry at Mainz, Toronto, and Santa Barbara, his focus being on polymer sciences (in 1995, doctorate on solid-state NMR of polymers at the Max Planck Institute in Mainz). For two years, he worked as a postdoc at the Weizmann Institute, Israel. From 2004 – 2006, he was Professor for Mechanical Engineering at the University of Darmstadt. Since 2006, he has been heading the Polymeric Materials Group of the Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He is Member of the Board and Spokesperson of the Research Training Group of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1176 ”Molecular Structuring of Soft Matter.“ He pursued a number of cooperation projects with industry and is associate professor of Université Laval in Québec, Canada. Since 2008, Wilhelm has also been working in the Board Council of the Deutsche Kautschukgesellschaft (German Rubber Society). He was offered a professorship at the University of Bayreuth (2015) and the directorate (as successor of Professor G. Heinrich) of the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research in Dresden, IPF (2016).

Prof. Dr. Norbert Willenbacher

Phone: +49 721 608-42661
Fax: +49 721 608-43758

The TTU Rheology and Formulation of Complex Fluids offers services for rheological characterization, processing, and stability of complex fluids. Complex, multi-phase fluids require careful product formulation and process design. We develop formulations of multi-phase fluids, whose processing and application properties meet the customers’ requirements.

Characterization of rheological characteristics in shear and strain is based on a broad spectrum of methods:

  1. Mechanical methods (rotation and capillary geometry using a large range of measurement tools, piezo-high-frequency rheometry, ultrasound, CaBER) and

  2. optical methods (multi-particle tracking (MPT) and diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS)). Work can be carried out over a large range of shear rates and frequencies (10-3 – 106 s-1). Even local rheological differences can be identified.

In addition, various methods of particle measurement technology (dynamic light scattering, Fraunhofer scattering, single particle counting, image analysis) and structural characterization (fluorescence, light, and electron microscopy) are applied.

The TTU Rheology and Formulation of Complex Fluids has vast expertise and know-how relating to the characterization and formulation of the following substance classes:

  • Suspensions and dispersions

  • Polymer and surfactant solutions

  • Emulsions and foams

  • Biological materials and food products

  • Paints, coatings, and adhesives

  • Cosmetics and pharmaceutical formulations

  • Ceramic suspensions and pastes

Professor Dr. Norbert Willenbacher is Member of the Board of the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He has long-standing experience in industrial research and held guest professorships at Harvard University and Seoul National University. Professor Willenbacher is Appointed Member of the ProcessNet Committee “Rheology” and Chairman of the Deutsche Rheologische Gesellschaft (DRG, German Rheological Society).

Prof. Dr. Christof Wöll

Phone: +49 721 608-23934
Fax: +49 721 608-23478

The TTU Surface-active Materials offers services based on a variety of vibrational spectroscopy techniques. We study all aspects relating to IR spectroscopy and support our partners in the development of applications and accompanying measurements.

Our spectrum of services extends from simple measurements of main components of solids and liquids using the KBr pellet technique and ATR methods to the investigation of the composition and order of thin-layer systems and monolayers by grazing incidence spectroscopy to imaging with highest spatial resolution (down to 1 µm).

Apart from simple instruments for routine operation and quality control, we also have spectrometers for high-end applications. Particular attention is paid to the investigation of interfaces.

We carry out measurements for the characterization of thin layers down to monolayers (nm) as well as infrared and Raman microscopy based on imaging methods. In addition, we operate spectrometers optimized for the life science sector (e.g. conformational analysis of proteins).

Since 2009, Professor Wöll has been heading the Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is Spokesperson of the Surface Physics Division of the German Physical Society and Elected Member of the Council of Physical Chemistry of Solid-state Bodies, Surfaces, and Characterization of Materials of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick

Phone: +49 721 608-42522
Fax: +49 721 608-45027

The TTU Microwave Engineering offers studies, engineering and measurement services around the following topics:

  • Antennas, passive RF components and active circuits
  • Millimeter wave systems and packaging
  • RF systems for wireless applications
  • Automotive radar: antenna systems and signal processing
  • Various measurements up to 325 GHz

Since 2007 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Zwick is head of the IHE – Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is IEEE Fellow and member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

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